This will be a short post, as I’ve heard that brevity is the soul of wit (Hamlet).
It’s a long time between Christmas and Easter this year. Too long. It got to the point where both Julie and I were getting run down, so we planned an impromptu break to the Cotswolds and Stratford upon Avon - Shakespeare country! We found a cute little cottage called the Old Dairy, complete with it’s own massive cheese press in the bedroom - thankfully it hadn’t been used for some while so the aroma of maturing cheddar did not linger.
Where the heck is Rutland? I hear you ask. Well, according to some, it is the smallest county in England, it holds the largest manmade lake (so basically half of it is a lake) and it is home to the Nurdling World Championships (Nurdling = throwing pennies in a hole), the winners are crowned the ‘best tosser’, no joke.
Based on these facts alone, this was shaping up to be a very exciting run.
Where the heck is Rutland? I hear you ask. Well, according to some, it is the smallest county in England, it holds the largest manmade lake (so basically half of it is a lake) and it is home to the Nurdling World Championships (Nurdling = throwing pennies in a hole), the winners are crowned the ‘best tosser’, no joke.
Based on these facts alone, this was shaping up to be a very exciting run.
After our high point of charging up Brown Willy (tee hee) on New Years day, we thought we’d keep the momentum going with another county hill. One that I ashamedly had not completed yet, despite planning the route when I first began this challenge: Suffolk.
So two weeks into the New Year we made the short drive from Cambridge to the little village of Hawkedon. We knew from the outset that this probably wasn’t going to be the most exciting run, but we literally had nothing better to do on this crisp Sunday morning in January.
After our high point of charging up Brown Willy (tee hee) on New Years day, we thought we’d keep the momentum going with another county hill. One that I ashamedly had not completed yet, despite planning the route when I first began this challenge: Suffolk.
So two weeks into the New Year we made the short drive from Cambridge to the little village of Hawkedon. We knew from the outset that this probably wasn’t going to be the most exciting run, but we literally had nothing better to do on this crisp Sunday morning in January.