Wales 0 - 1 Mike

Croeso i Cymru

Mike Morgan

It will come as no great surprise to my readers that I’ve run up another hill, and that I’m writing this blog post several months after the event. I don’t know if this is just my enthusiasm for this challenge waning (I assumed it would ebb and flow like the tides anyway), or that I’m just settling into a more realistic routine. There are 103 county tops on my list, and including the run I’m about to describe, I’ve only managed to run 8 of them so far.

Never trust a golfer

Hotter than hell

Mike Morgan

NB: I’m actually writing this 3 months after we ran this hill, mostly because life got a bit busy, we had a holiday in the Alpes, blah blah blah, the usual excuses. Anyway, here it is. What better activity to do on the hottest May Bank Holiday on record, than go for a run? I think that this might count as a genuinely stupid thing to do, especially when you know it’s coming.

Never trust a golfer

Hotter than hell

Mike Morgan

NB: I’m actually writing this 3 months after we ran this hill, mostly because life got a bit busy, we had a holiday in the Alpes, blah blah blah, the usual excuses. Anyway, here it is. What better activity to do on the hottest May Bank Holiday on record, than go for a run? I think that this might count as a genuinely stupid thing to do, especially when you know it’s coming.

Icy Death Wind

Nearly bested by the Beast from the East

Mike Morgan

It’s been a fun couple of months since my last hill challenge run back at Christmas. In that time I’ve trained for the Cambridge half marathon, it’s snowed, Julie and I moved in together (in the snow), and then we both ran the Cambridge half the day after (thankfully not in the snow; but it has snowed again since). This blog is called ‘Stupid Things’; I think running a half marathon the day after moving house, with just the two of us doing all of the lifting, counts as something stupid.

Icy Death Wind

Nearly bested by the Beast from the East

Mike Morgan

It’s been a fun couple of months since my last hill challenge run back at Christmas. In that time I’ve trained for the Cambridge half marathon, it’s snowed, Julie and I moved in together (in the snow), and then we both ran the Cambridge half the day after (thankfully not in the snow; but it has snowed again since). This blog is called ‘Stupid Things’; I think running a half marathon the day after moving house, with just the two of us doing all of the lifting, counts as something stupid.