County number 2

Hill 2: A confession

Mike Morgan

I have a confession to make. In my last post I told you that I had run up Great Chishill, that towering edifice of Cambridgeshire. I lied. The hill in nearby Essex is called Chishill Common, and stands at a lofty 147m. Great Chishill is it’s little sister at 146m. They are both within a few miles of each other, so when I planned the route for my first foray into this project, I went looking for the highest point in that area.

Round 1

Hill 1: In the bag

Mike Morgan

Great Chishill. It sounds like it should be some towering natural edifice, rather than a scrappy corner of a field next to a small copse of trees. It was a good start though, and perhaps a good way to revise my expectations a little. The lack of hills in and around Cambridge, and my distinct lack of fitness, made this a somewhat tougher challenge than I had expected. I planned the route out yesterday after picking up a few OS maps from a local outdoor shop (there’s only one in Cambridge that actually sells maps, so no points for guessing).

Round 1

Hill 1: In the bag

Mike Morgan

Great Chishill. It sounds like it should be some towering natural edifice, rather than a scrappy corner of a field next to a small copse of trees. It was a good start though, and perhaps a good way to revise my expectations a little. The lack of hills in and around Cambridge, and my distinct lack of fitness, made this a somewhat tougher challenge than I had expected. I planned the route out yesterday after picking up a few OS maps from a local outdoor shop (there’s only one in Cambridge that actually sells maps, so no points for guessing).



Mike Morgan

Why?! I think this might be the third blog I’ve tried to write. My previous attempts in the past suffered due to lack of a proper theme, motivation; well the usual issues that accompany a chronic lack of creativity. I think (hope?) this one might be a bit different. I’ve been pondering a little running project for a few months, and I’ve finally got off my bum and started to plan it.

Creating a New Theme

Learn how to create a theme on Hugo

Theme author
Pic 3

Introduction This tutorial will show you how to create a simple theme in Hugo. I assume that you are familiar with HTML, the bash command line, and that you are comfortable using Markdown to format content. I’ll explain how Hugo uses templates and how you can organize your templates to create a theme. I won’t cover using CSS to style your theme. We’ll start with creating a new site with a very basic template.